SketchUp is the finest (and most innovative) tool available for anyone designing anything from coffee pots
to skyscrapers.
What’s New in Google SketchUp 8
We’ve stuffed SketchUp 8 full of new and improved features:
Because almost everything is somewhere
Whether you’re designing in context, creating a shadow study or photo-modeling existing structures,
Whether you’re designing in context, creating a shadow study or photo-modeling existing structures,
SketchUp 8 provides easy access to Google’s huge collection of geographic resources.
Model geo-location with Google Maps
We’ve built Maps right into SketchUp. Adding a geo-location to your model is now an elegant, one-app
Color imagery and more accurate terrain
The snapshot you get when you add a geo-location to your model now includes 3D terrain data that’s more
accurate, and — for the first time — aerial imagery in color.
Match Photo improvements
Our Match Photo feature lets you trace one or more photographs to build a model; it’s an incredibly
powerful tool. For SketchUp 8, we’ve tweaked some things to make using Match Photo easier than ever.
Downloads : HERE